Thursday, 14 March 2013

StoryScript Writing Draft. (week 10)

Drunken Night
(Chia Bi Luan)

(Detective Alex turns into a cheetah when he is drunk. He has to solve a case of mysterious disappearance in order to keep his job as a detective when Sam disappeared after being stalked by Uno for 2 months.)


My Blog: (
My Email: (
Deadline: 15 Jan 2013


TITLE:                                     (Drunken Night)
GENRE:                                  (Animation, Mystery)
TARGET AUDIENCE:            (20-35 Years Old.)

(Stalker’s who are ignored by the police may end up being a huge threat to the society.)

(Detective Alex turns into a cheetah when he is drunk. He has to solve a case of mysterious disappearance in order to keep his job as a detective when Sam disappeared after being stalked by Uno for 2 months.)

(Synopsis of your story here –2-3 short para, double-spaced)
Alex is a detective that is on the verge of losing his job. He is a carefree guy who cares about nothing but solving cases. He has a secret, and that is, he turn’s into a cheetah when he is drunk. This was also the only time he can show his full potential in solving the cases. He shows his bimbo character and this was also the reason why everyone was giving him pressure in solving the case.
2 months ago, Sam, a 20-year-old woman had come to him for help. Apparently, she had been sensing someone watching her in the shadows and it had gone on for a few days. Panicking, she had come to Alex for help because he was the only one in the office at that time.
2 months later, with no lead, Sam went missing and all that was left was a hand phone and a piece of letter saying: “If you want the girl, find me if you can.” It was a letter addressed to Alex. He had to solve this case in order to get Sam back, as well as keep the job and find out who had sent him this letter.


CHARACTER LIST (All characters)
Key Character - Alex
Supporting Character(s) - Sam
Villain (if any) - Uno

(Character bio here, Key Character only – abt half A4 Page, in note form)
Full investigation skills only when he is drunk.
Turns into a cheetah when he is drunk.
He doesn’t like to drink, but when he does, he has amazing investigation skills.
He is a carefree person.
He likes to drink tea.
He doesn’t like trouble.
He is not a deep thinker.
He does things according to his feelings.
He likes to laugh and he laughs a lot.
He is friendly, popular with girls, but not a player.
He believes in fate.
His favorite line would be, “You will never know, if you don’t try.”
He shows a bimbo-like character when he is drunk.

(Mention topic/subject for research & source Newspaper clippings, magazine articles, blog, etc etc - Photocopies/Scan)
Book – Easy Kill (Lin Anderson)

(a reflection is a write-up on how you derived your own story concept and idea(s) from research & brainstorm done – 2 to 3 para, double spaced)

I thought of this story because I had recently read a storybook with a mystery genre. The plot intrigued me and I thought it would be interesting if the readers could feel the mood and tension of being followed by the stalker, through the book.
The reason I came up with the idea of the main character’s ability when he is drunk, is because, I thought it would be interesting to be able to see a “split personality” in the character, so as to spice up the story, as well as to give a interesting twist to the story.
3 ACT STRUCTURE: (in point form below)

Key Character(s):


Must-have Info:

He is a detective who only uses his full skill when he is drunk. He turns into a cheetah when he is drunk.


Uno confronts Alex by text. Whenever Uno wants to challenge Alex, he gets him drunk, one way or another and then starts to play games.

Climax (Grand Finale):

Alex managed to kick the gun away from Uno before things got out of hand.


Alex managed to rescue Sam and catch Uno.

To save Sam and to find out who sent him the letter, as well as to keep his job.


Alex was able to reach the final level of Uno’s “GAME” and managed to hear Sam’s voice when he was at 5th level.


Yes. Alex managed to keep his job, and even got a promotion. Sam became his girlfriend too.

He has no leads except for the hand phone and the letter. He can only pick up leads when the stalker, Uno, text him.


Alex had to fight off Uno when he got brutal.

Up the Stakes:

Uno points a gun to Sam’s head and threatens to kill her if Alex lost.

Moral of the Story if any:

Do not judge a book by its cover. Someone who may look nice from the outside may not necessarily be nice on the inside.

Class exercise: dialogue

give your script a suitable title & come up with a logline for your script, based on the following video:

Title : Lies & Accusations.

Come up with a story that goes with the footage

Two woman fights when one of them started accusing the other of something she did not do. In return, the other woman taunted back in spite.

Write the dialogue .  (Between woman A and B)

(Woman A, gets out of car)

Woman A : So you were here!
Woman B : -clicks her tongue- What... it's just you. -rolls her eyes-
Woman A : There's no need to hide from me. I'll still find you no matter where you run to.
Woman B : -sighs in frustration- You are just insane.
Woman A : You dare say that you did not do it?!
Woman B : -glares back- I did not. What prove do you have!
Woman A : -Glares- The two of you were standing so close together, besides i saw you hugging him.
Woman B : That's just because i fell and he caught me! Did you want me to fall and Die?  -says in a annoyed voice-
Woman A : It would be better that way. No? -grits her teeth-
Woman B : -walks away-
Woman A : -pulls her back by grabbing her wrist-
Woman B : -struggles- Oi! What the hell do you want!? -launches forward and pushes woman A-
Woman A : How dare you push me! -glares and pushes back-
Woman A & B : -starts pulling each other's hair- 
Woman A : LET GO!
Woman B : You LET GO FIRST! 
-non of them obliged-
Woman A : YOU!
Woman B : -continues pulling with force- 
Woman A : -stumbles back a little- 
Woman B : -Uses her bag to hit Woman A-
Woman A : -Tackles Woman B to the ground and continues attacking-
Woman B : -Hit's back- 
Two Teens: -pulls them apart- 
Woman A & Woman B : -stares and is embarrassed because the onlookers were watching-
Woman A : -Drives away in a huff-
Woman B : -Walks Away in a huff- 


Identify the key character & motive 

Woman A - Motive is to settle things with Woman B for something she may not had done.

Woman B - Motive is to stop woman A from attacking her.

Writing The Dialogue - Case studies (Hitler Clips)

1. Hitler's water bottle is stolen and thrown at Justin Bieber

"Everything has been planned."
H - "Good. Proceed immediately."
-someone throws water bottle at justin bier-
"We have done it sir!"
H- "IT's not enough! Send more people to throw more water bottles! He is unharmed!"

2. Hitler is informed that he is Lee Kuan Yew

H- "That is impossible! We don't look alike at all! If word were to get out, that i am Lee Kuan Yew, I will be laughed at! Bring Me That imbecile who spread these lies!"

                          3. Hitler is informed Santa Claus doesn't exist

H- "Such Lies! I have visited Santa everyday, when i buy those drinks at the vending machine where Santa Claus advertised in it!"

4. Hitler defies gravity

H - "Who The Hell Turned the camera Upside down! How are we going to continue with the shooting like this! The audience are going to complain! I DEMAND YOU TO TILT IT BACK THIS INSTANCE!"